Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Progress 11

I guess I took a little break from continuing the drawing studies and just doodles and drew a bit. So I guess this isn't really a daily progress. Just have a little quick piece I thought I put up.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daily Progress 10

Alright so that's 3 days with no updates, shame on me. Last time I didn't update it was a week, so on the bright side it's getting better right? I'm on to the head.

I'm going to start updating on weekends as well to make sure the momentum doesn't stop. Getting the ball rolling again after not drawing as much or at all is one of the hardest things.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Daily Progress 9

Just did a little bit of doodling. The weekends are more relaxed for me, mostly making time for my other projects. Still trying to draw about 4 hours or more though.

Daily Progress 8

Today I did hand and feet studies. Spent more time at the drawing desk today (8+ hrs) but I felt like I didn't draw enough for the amount of time. I would look over the diagrams of the anatomy, study them and think about it a bit. I figured at even more so that I should just draw as much as possible by way of repetition. Just keep drawing the same side of the foot, or leg ect., do drills. Of course I don't want to mindlessly do this so at the same time making sure to really think about the structure and mechanics of what I'm drawing in three dimensional space.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Daily Progress 7

Played around today mostly. Drew some female figures, worked on the leg a bit more to get a better shape. Played with shapes a bit more.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daily Progress 6

Did more study of the legs. Getting a complete grasp of the leg anatomy was pretty different than the arm anatomy. The handling the muscles was not as overwhelming as the arm but getting the right shape in my mind was a bit tougher. With the arms it seems like as long as you placed the muscles correctly the the shape of the arm came out. The legs seemed more elusive. They seemed misleading easier at first, but required no less attention than the arms. The area around the hips seemed to give me the most trouble.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Daily Progress 4

It's been a hectic past week. No excuse, I know, for not posting anything. Here is my latest progress.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daily Progress 3

Some warm ups

feb11 004

feb11 003

More practice on the muscle anatomy of the arm. I'm using the Loomis figure drawing book as my main book of study. The diagrams of the muscle anatomy of the arm had me confused with the "supinator longus" muscle and the "brachioradialis" muscle. After looking through 4 other books on anatomy (Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life, Sarah Simblet's Anatomy for the Artist, Hogarth's Dynamic Anatomy, and How to Draw Manga: Bodies & Anatomy) and researching it online it turns out they are both the same muscle. Brachioradialus was used in old text.

feb11 006

feb11 006

Playing around with what I've learned so far. Quickly sketched these while doing other things during the day.

feb11 007

feb11 007

feb11 007

I felt a noticeable difference drawing the human figure after studying the skeletal and muscle anatomy in depth. It all depends on how far you want to take it, but personally I find it valuable to have a deep understanding of the skeletal and muscle anatomy of a figure. Knowing "how" to draw is really about knowing "what" to draw.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Daily Progress 2

On to studying specific muscle anatomy and a little skeletal anatomy. Just worked on the arm. Need to pump up the intensity to get more drawings and absorb more content!

feb10 001

feb10 002